Purposes of The Japan Pork Networking (JPN):

◆ 安全・安心、高品質、高付加価値、ワンランク上の差別化豚肉を生産し、その優位性の認知度を国内外で高め、効果的なマーケティングを考えます。

To think about what can be done for the production of safe/reliable, high-quality/value, differentiated pork; how the awareness of its superiority can be raised domestically/ internationally; how the effective marketing can be achieved.

◆ 付加価値の高い国産豚肉生産を念頭に、求められる豚および豚肉について幅広く学び、追及していきます。

To extensively learn about and pursue what customers including end-users want for pig/pork, with the main topic of high-value domestic pork production.

◆ 生産者を中心に、食肉に携わるすべての関係者、消費者まで含め、勉強会の趣旨に賛同する関係者を増やし、ネットワーク・組織を拡大していきます。

To expand the network of all concerned mainly among producers, including consumers: people involved with meat and approve the aim of the JPN.

◆ 養豚産業の根幹である遺伝、育種、肉質を通して、TPPを考えます。
To study heredity, breeding and meat quality, the foundation of pig industry; and to promote globalization of the industry.